Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Installing an AJAX Control Toolkit Patch

Either I'm completely stupid or.. I don't know.. but I can't find anyone having this problem anywhere.

I'm trying to apply a patch for my AutoCompleteExtender ( But I don't have the slightest idea on how to apply these patches. I was recommended to read on how to apply them and here is what is says:

1. Unzip the changeset somewhere on your machine
2. Open the AjaxControlToolkit.csproj in your Visual Studio
3. Change "Configuration" from "Debug" to "Release"
4. Build
5. Copy AjaxControlToolkit.dll to my project

Right, so.. when I build my AjaxControlToolkit project, the "changeset" files (which I believe is the 1,2,3,4,5.. files plus the patch.xml?) is just gonna magically merge with my project or what? Forgive me for the stupid questions, but I just can't figure this out. Could anyone enlighten me, please? I got 11 files named 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 plus a patch.xml which i extracted from the ZIP-file i dowloaded (




I'm sure there must be someone who knows how it works?

Here is the wiki which lists the patch utility installation instructions: Let us know if you see any issues.

I think I misunderstood your question. Shawn pointed it out to me that you want to apply a patch submitted by a user that is attached to a bug. Unfortunately we do not support that. Shawn's blog post refers to creating and submitting patches and not reusing patches submitted by others. We take the patches and check them in for the patch creator and then it becomes available to everybody to download from the Toolkit project source code tab.

If however you do want that patch, you can unzip that file and copy over all the changed files and new files to a Toolkit source code location. Check with the owner of the patch the changelist number it was created against, download that version of the Toolkit and then copy over the files.

Since that change is not in the Toolkit source tree officially, we do not support it and may not be able to help you with questions related to it. We plan to have some form of key-value support for AutoComplete in the next release so if you would like to wait then it might be better in the long run.

Okay. Thank you for your reply. Too bad you couldn't help me. I'll contact the author of that patch.

How far away do you think the release of the next version is?

Hey there!

I guess you're not the only one. Having the same problems myself. How the hell do I get a new version of Toolkits working? I'd like to upgrade the new desing for Autocomplete (which is BTW cool), but I just don't know what to do with the files that are available for download (with or without source code). What am I missing? And yeah, I have VS Express Edition (c#). Should I have some other?

And I'm really anxious for new functionality of Autocomplete, since now, without some hidden ID field is pretty useless, althoug fancy :)

Thanks for your help in advance!

I am having exactly the same problem. I get the latest and greatest downloaded, but can't seem to get it to install so that the new components are available in my applications. Is there a clear set of instructions for this somewhere?


I was scratching my head over the same issue. I found the info here:

and see the last section: Upgrading to a newer Toolkit release...


I have the same issue and i downloaded the latest release version, but i still don't have the key-value pair for the autocomplete extender.It would definitely be really helpful if there were good directions on how to install the patches...

(at least i see that i am not the only one having these issues...)

See this forum post for more information on that feature.

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