Monday, March 26, 2012

Intellisense for ASP.NET AJAX?

Does VS 2005 supports to some degree intellisense for ajax ?



My understanding is that more support for AJAX (and I believe Intellisense), is one of the major enhancements with SP1 for VS 2005. I haven't done the DL or install just yet, but I've heard that better AJAX support is the main justification for doing the SP install. I've also heard that it is a very long process, so make sure you have the time set aside to do the DL and install, and make sure to read the readme file. Keep in mind that MS AJAX is still not fully supported by MS or by most hosting companies. It's not a technology to bet the farm on - yet. BRN..

Hi Brian,

Thanks a lot. I just installed SP1 but i dont see much difference yet. When you said it takes long time to install SP1, how much would that be? Here is what happened. I was installing SP1 and after the instalation completed, it started installing again automatically. I did this about 3 times and after 3 hours of installing i had to cancel it because i thought something must be wrong with the instalation. Is it just an instalation bug which is why the instalation started over automatically or it takes really long time to install?


here is something i found:

" Visual Studio 2005 SP1 tries to install multiple times:

loadTOCNode(3, 'moreinformation');The service pack will run multiple times if you have multiple Visual Studio products installed on your computer. Do not start the installation more than once."

I have 2003 and 2005 installed only.. cant understand what they are talking about but it seems like i am having the same issue.. My machine have 3 user accounts. Maybe this is the problem?


I still haven't done the install myself. I did see the note about multiple auto installs, and I think they might refer to anything that uses the VS 2005 core (which might include things like SQL Sever 2005, SQL Server Express, VWD Express maybe other stuff as well - I didn't see a list). Hope that the cancel didn't mess you up. I did something similar a while back - when it looked like the install was hanging - and it caused problems. Sometimes these upgrade are a real pain. Often you have to sit there, or pop back to check on things to see if it's at a place where it needs user input; there's not always a lot of guidence on which choice to make at that point, and no way to back track if it seems to be headed in the wrong direction.

I have multiple accounts on my computers too. I doubt if it's doing multiple installs (one for each account), I think its probably shared functionality between various MS apps on a given computer. BTW, were you logged in to an Admin account for the computer you were using when you did the install? I was planning to do that, rather than a domain account (even with admin authorizations), on my dev computer.

As to how long it takes, I only heard qualitative reports that it's a "very long install" even for fast systems. A slow processor, low memory, or small or fragmented HD will make it even longer. As a rule, I do some house cleaning before a major install.

If you think things got messed up with your system, search in these forums (and MSDN), on system restore posts.

If the install went through, I'd expect a lot more AJAX support. If you don't see that, maybe that's due to the cancel (don't know what happens in a cancel - I'd search MSDN). Another new item in the SP is that the 2003 style Web App Project add-in for 2005 is now part of 2005 (you need to remove the add in before the install, if you added it prior). So, you should see an option to create Web App Projects or a Website in the standard interface. Some one posted me a link to a list of the new features for the SP, I'll try to find that. Another thing to keep in mind is how much customization VS 2005 allows. Depending on the edition, there's a slew of stuff you might have installed, and numerous options for just about every aspect of the toolset. If you don't see some functionallity, it may be that you didn't have that part included in the original install, or you optioned to hide it at some point. There's so much there, that I'm sure there are elements that I didn't know existed.

The reviews of the SP I saw seemed to depend on if the person was using AJAX, if so they tended to like the upgrade, if not they didn't see much else new. BRN..


Did the SP1 install to VS 2005 Standard on my system tonight. The process went smoothly, and took a little more than 1/2 hour. The only user input needed was when it asked to install (yes, well into the install process, and to accept the EULA). Several "Please wait while..." windows came up, but they took care of themselves. Af the end is said "... was successfully installed on..." then it had another "please wait..." that lasted about a minute.

When I was sure it was done, I opened up VS and took a look at the About in the Help menu item. I noticed a new MS Web Application Projects listing, and the SP1 (kb926601), listing.

Openning an AJAX CTP enabled folder I had started earlier, and adding an AJAX control to a new webform, I could see that it has some intellisense now - hit a space inside of the controls source and the dropdown list appears. Not having done any real AJAX stuff yet, my experimenting was limited; but it's there.

My system is pretty simple, with just VB, VWD, the stuff I mentioned and a data modeling custom tool that's in CTP. Standard Edition, so no team services or DB projects. In all it was an easy upgrade. BTW, I did notice one thing in the install instructions, they do say you can cancel the install, but don't say in what state that will leave your system. My guess is that it will try to return to the pre-SP1 install state. Take a look at your About VS 2005, and see what's listed there, that should give you a good idea of where you are now. BRN..

Yep, i saw the same line - SP1 (kb926601), so i think i have succesfully installed although i dont see any difference so far.


Yeah, there's nothing that jumps out and says this is all new stuff - it's an SP, not a new release. As I haven't even looked at a lot of the functionality that's in VS 2005, there couldbe changes to it that I wouldn't even notice. From my perspective, the addition of the Web Application Project type, and the increased support for MS AJAX are the only things I'm looking at right now.

Don't know if you've noticed, that on this site, they mention that MS AJAX is slated for general (fully supported) release this month. Wonder if there will be more (though minor), VS 2005 SPs as more more MS AJAX controls move from Codeplex/CTP to MS supported functionality? BRN..

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