Monday, March 26, 2012

Internal server error accessing scriptresource.axd


I tried to ajax enable our existing web project, but iis7 just fails with a 500 - internal server error, when trying to access scriptresource.axd:

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
Description: Handler "ScriptResource" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list
Error Code: 0x8007000d
Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler
Module: IIS Web Core
Requested URL: http://localhost:80/dir/scriptresource.axd
Physical Path: D:\somewhere\dir\scriptresource.axd
Logon User: domain\my.username
Logon Method: NTLM
Failed Request Tracing Log Directory: C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles
Handler: ScriptResource

Creating a new ajax application works just fine, but ajax enabling out existing app fails. I am pretty sure the web.config is configured correctly. Anyone got any tips on how to resolve this?


hum... can you give us more details? for isntance, any stack trace? where are you hosting it? iis6?


Trying to access the generated scriptresource.axd url just gives me a 500 - internal server error - not sure where to look for a stacktrace. Hosted on IIS7 running on vista. The app is using the classic app pool, using integrated windows authentication. Some details from the IIS trace:


ModuleName="IIS Web Core", Notification="EXECUTE_REQUEST_HANDLER", HttpStatus="500", HttpReason="Internal Server Error", HttpSubStatus="0", ErrorCode="The data is invalid. (0x8007000d)", ConfigExceptionInfo=""

The error appears after the HttpRedirectionModule NOTIFY_MODULE_END event, but before the CustomLoggingModule NOTIFY_MODULE_START event.

Not sure if this info is of any help...

Hi, thanks for reporting that. We have a bug open to track that issue. For the moment, if you can switch the application to integrated mode, that should fix it.
Please add preCondition="integratedMode" to the <add name="ScriptResource" .../> tag of the config file that's near the end, in the system.webserver section.


Please add preCondition="integratedMode" to the <add name="ScriptResource" .../> tag of the config file that's near the end, in the system.webserver section.

Thank you, that seams to work fine :)

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