Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Installing Ajax Controls

I have been using Ajax on my sites for a few months now. I went to use a control extension, modal popup, and got an error. It was looking for something on my desktop.

    I decided to reset the toolbox hoping that it would correct itself, and the control extension tab disappeared.Removed the ajax control program from the system via the control panel add/remove.Downloaded ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi and installed it.

Now I still do not have the control extension tab. It also blew up on this line in the web config:

<add tagType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompareValidator" mappedTagType="System.Web.UI.Compatibility.CompareValidator, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>

This seems to be a common problem, but since I was not using validation controls I just deleted the lines and it compiled.

Any ideas how I can get those controls back?

what version did you uninstall? Its my understanding that ajax breaks the validators in the most recent version and in order to use them you must add those tagmappings.

Follow the directions here and you should be good. It works for me.

I am not sure what version I uninstalled. I have no problems with the validators. My problem is that I cannot add the extended controls to my toolbox. For example, modal popup, tabs, accordian. I've downloaded the Control Toolkit and have run AjaxControlExtender.vsi. When I open up an ASP.NET site I do not get the controls in my Toolbox. Any ideas?
Right click in the toolbox and click Add Tab. Create a new tab called, AJJAX Toolkit. Once created click in the tab and click add controls/items. When the window comes up navigate to the AjaxToolkit.dll and click add. This should all the items.
That fixed it. When I was using atlas I had to do it this way, but this time I could not remember which dll it was. Thank you.

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