Saturday, March 24, 2012

Invalid Argument

Hi there

I get an odd error when I publish my website to a 2003 server box with the latest ajax dll installed.

Currently my only page that uses the toolkit has a usercontrol containing a DragPanelExtender. When it loads I get an 'Invalid Argument' client javascript exception. If I try to debug, it breaks into the client side script at


where c is an invalid number (NaN)

This works fine locally on my dev box.

thanks in advance

Found it!! After tearing what little hair I have left out. I found that certain web servers (I am still looking into the exact detail that causes this to happen!) seem to a cause IIS/IE/ASP NET AJAX to have a problem with frame attributes like frameborder when their values are set to "yes" or "no" rather than "1" or "0".

Once I updated all of them the problem went away.

Hope this helps someone

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