Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Installation problem

I have a problem installing the toolkit: the 'extender' items will not install because it says

"Installation stopped because the directory for the ProjectType value did not exist. The project type is invalid for your installation of Visual Studio."

I've tried to install the WebApplicationProject thing, but it gives a message saying that Visual Studio 2005 Standard or above is required (I only have Express) and asks if I'd like more info. From there it either quits the installer or takes me to the VS website.

The VSI for control development should work with VC# Express or VS 2005. The former is free.

Installation problem


I'm using VS 2005 on Vista Business. I installed AJAX Extentions ans Toolkit. When I create a new AJAX enabled website everything is fine. But when I use some of the demos I get hundreds of errors - as if the AJAX extentions were disabled. In case of the ToDoList-CS demo website for instance I get the following errors.

Error 1 Element 'ScriptManager' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 3 6 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 2 Element 'UpdateProgress' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 11 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 3 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'progresstemplate' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 12 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 4 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'img' is missing required attribute 'alt'. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 14 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 5 Element 'UpdatePanel' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 23 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 6 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'contenttemplate' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 24 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 7 Element 'GridView' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 25 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 8 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'columns' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 33 11 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 9 Element 'CommandField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 34 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 10 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 35 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 11 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 37 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 12 Element 'CheckBoxField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 38 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 13 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'triggers' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 42 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 14 Element 'AsyncPostBackTrigger' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 43 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 15 Element 'UpdatePanel' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 52 9 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 16 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'contenttemplate' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 53 6 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 17 Element 'DetailsView' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 54 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 18 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'fields' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 61 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 19 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 62 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 20 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 64 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 21 Element 'CheckBoxField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 65 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 22 Element 'CommandField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 66 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\

Why is that? I followed the tips from ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit: Installation and getting started on during installation.

so when you downloaded the toolkit zip folder. you loaded the poject then compiled and ran it, getting the demo page and all that? and then you added the dll to the toolbox area?

I don't fully understand. I did everything as shown on the webcast.

I installed (at least I think so) everything required to be able to create AJAX enabled web sites. At present, when I open VS and create a new website I can easily add (both AJAX extentions and AJAX Toolkit tas in the tolbox menu are visible) AJAX extentions, updatepanels etc. I can also build those pages easily - with no errors.

But when I open VS and choose to open an exisitng website and point to one of the folders downloaded from site VS display errors, like these above.

Maybe I'm doing something incorrectly.

Both the ajax extentions and toolkit installed are the latest available.

that is odd, maybe there is a linking issue with finding the controll toolkit. Are there any other erros that you get that arnt like the ones you showed before?

also if you have somethign like this in your code

<add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI" assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>

make sure the tagPrefix is the same as what is used in your code to create controls, so make sure you page uses

<asp:Textbox ID="text1" runat="server"/>

for example. They must match that add line, but because this is a demo from online it should be right

Installation Problem

I have Installed at my local machine which contain Win 2003 and VS 2005.

After double click on ASPNETAJAX.msi , I just found addition in Program Menu bar contains 2.0 Ajax Extensions

But I did not found "Create Ajax Enable Web site" Option in VS 2005.

What I have to do? Is still missing something?


if everything went ok, you'll find the template in file->new->web site-> ajax-enabled web site

Installation problem - Urgent help needed

When installing the extentions on vista i get the following error "Error writing to file: System.Web.Extentions.Web.dll" Verify that you have access to that directory." I have turned UAC off and still get this error - can someone help as a matter of extreme urgency.

Kind Regards


Hi Helga,

I'm not aware of the accurate cause of this exception yet since it can be successfully on my vista.

May be you can try to install it into GAC manually, please refer to this thread:

Hope this helps.

Installation problem with Atlas April


I'm having a problem while trying to install Atlas April CTP (I've already installed a previous version on another computer and it worked) :
The system is new and clean (XP Pro), I installed Visual Studio 8 (.NET with C#), then IIS, then Atlas.
When I launch Visual, I can't find the template Atlas Web Site in the new web site menu (even when selecting C# as default language) and the atlas web site I've previously created can't be compiled because Atlas is not parsed.
I figured out that the "mydocs" folder is located on the LAN and synchronized due to a group rule. Then the templates are not directly on C:\Document and settings\... but on \\lan\share-mysdocs\...
As it is a global security rule, I can't change the place where My docs are stored.

Have someone experienced this problem or would be able to have an idea about it ?

Thank youThe problem really come from the mydocs configuration :
using a local user (outside of the domain and its rules), atlas will install its files on the C drive and it works !

Installation problems

I get this error "A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: C:\Dociments and Settings\username\Desktop\AtlasSetup[1].msi" when I try to install. Any help would be appreciated.


Are you trying to install an at-least-4-month-old version of it?

Actually I didn't even notice. I am opening ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi, but it's complaining about AtlasSetup[1].msi. Any ideas?

Well, if the filename has the "[1]", it sounds like it's a downloaded file by IE...

I'd do a search on the computer for that Atlas file name, remove it, goto the MS Ajax site again and re-download what you need....

well it turns out i hadn't uninstalled a previos version of atlas, so the ajax was trying to uninstall it... but the uninstall was corrupted.. i ended up just downloading a copy of atlassetup.msi and pointing the install to that file, and that seemed to work.. well at least the install finished.. havent tried it yet

I had the same problem and ended up having to use the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to get rid of the bad install.


Installation problems

I have been developing with AJAX since the release.
Now I received a new client computer and had to install all software again.
Everything went fine except AJAX where I received an odd error message.

1) I downloaded the file ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi
2) I tried to launch it but repeatedly get the following error:
"A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi"

I tried to download it to all kinds of local folders but without any difference.
What kind of network error could that be?
IIS is installed and set to ASP 2.0.
Is there something obvious that I forgot this time?

i am having the exact same issue, did you ever get it working?

Yes, I asked the dotnet forum and finally got this advice:

The workaround is to use Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to remove the AJAX entry and then run setup again.

#Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility