Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Installation problem with Atlas April


I'm having a problem while trying to install Atlas April CTP (I've already installed a previous version on another computer and it worked) :
The system is new and clean (XP Pro), I installed Visual Studio 8 (.NET with C#), then IIS, then Atlas.
When I launch Visual, I can't find the template Atlas Web Site in the new web site menu (even when selecting C# as default language) and the atlas web site I've previously created can't be compiled because Atlas is not parsed.
I figured out that the "mydocs" folder is located on the LAN and synchronized due to a group rule. Then the templates are not directly on C:\Document and settings\... but on \\lan\share-mysdocs\...
As it is a global security rule, I can't change the place where My docs are stored.

Have someone experienced this problem or would be able to have an idea about it ?

Thank youThe problem really come from the mydocs configuration :
using a local user (outside of the domain and its rules), atlas will install its files on the C drive and it works !

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