Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Installation problem

I have a problem installing the toolkit: the 'extender' items will not install because it says

"Installation stopped because the directory for the ProjectType value did not exist. The project type is invalid for your installation of Visual Studio."

I've tried to install the WebApplicationProject thing, but it gives a message saying that Visual Studio 2005 Standard or above is required (I only have Express) and asks if I'd like more info. From there it either quits the installer or takes me to the VS website.

The VSI for control development should work with VC# Express or VS 2005. The former is free.

Installation problem


I'm using VS 2005 on Vista Business. I installed AJAX Extentions ans Toolkit. When I create a new AJAX enabled website everything is fine. But when I use some of the demos I get hundreds of errors - as if the AJAX extentions were disabled. In case of the ToDoList-CS demo website for instance I get the following errors.

Error 1 Element 'ScriptManager' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 3 6 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 2 Element 'UpdateProgress' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 11 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 3 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'progresstemplate' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 12 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 4 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'img' is missing required attribute 'alt'. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 14 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 5 Element 'UpdatePanel' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 23 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 6 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'contenttemplate' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 24 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 7 Element 'GridView' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 25 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 8 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'columns' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 33 11 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 9 Element 'CommandField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 34 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 10 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 35 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 11 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 37 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 12 Element 'CheckBoxField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 38 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 13 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'triggers' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 42 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 14 Element 'AsyncPostBackTrigger' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 43 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 15 Element 'UpdatePanel' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 52 9 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 16 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'contenttemplate' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 53 6 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 17 Element 'DetailsView' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 54 14 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 18 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Element 'fields' is not supported. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 61 10 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 19 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 62 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 20 Element 'BoundField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 64 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 21 Element 'CheckBoxField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 65 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\
Error 22 Element 'CommandField' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site. C:\Users\Igor\Desktop\ToDoList-CS\ToDoList-CS\Default.aspx 66 18 C:\...\ToDoList-CS\

Why is that? I followed the tips from ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit: Installation and getting started on during installation.

so when you downloaded the toolkit zip folder. you loaded the poject then compiled and ran it, getting the demo page and all that? and then you added the dll to the toolbox area?

I don't fully understand. I did everything as shown on the webcast.

I installed (at least I think so) everything required to be able to create AJAX enabled web sites. At present, when I open VS and create a new website I can easily add (both AJAX extentions and AJAX Toolkit tas in the tolbox menu are visible) AJAX extentions, updatepanels etc. I can also build those pages easily - with no errors.

But when I open VS and choose to open an exisitng website and point to one of the folders downloaded from site VS display errors, like these above.

Maybe I'm doing something incorrectly.

Both the ajax extentions and toolkit installed are the latest available.

that is odd, maybe there is a linking issue with finding the controll toolkit. Are there any other erros that you get that arnt like the ones you showed before?

also if you have somethign like this in your code

<add tagPrefix="asp" namespace="System.Web.UI" assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>

make sure the tagPrefix is the same as what is used in your code to create controls, so make sure you page uses

<asp:Textbox ID="text1" runat="server"/>

for example. They must match that add line, but because this is a demo from online it should be right

Installation Problem

I have Installed at my local machine which contain Win 2003 and VS 2005.

After double click on ASPNETAJAX.msi , I just found addition in Program Menu bar contains 2.0 Ajax Extensions

But I did not found "Create Ajax Enable Web site" Option in VS 2005.

What I have to do? Is still missing something?


if everything went ok, you'll find the template in file->new->web site-> ajax-enabled web site

Installation problem - Urgent help needed

When installing the extentions on vista i get the following error "Error writing to file: System.Web.Extentions.Web.dll" Verify that you have access to that directory." I have turned UAC off and still get this error - can someone help as a matter of extreme urgency.

Kind Regards


Hi Helga,

I'm not aware of the accurate cause of this exception yet since it can be successfully on my vista.

May be you can try to install it into GAC manually, please refer to this thread:

Hope this helps.

Installation problem with Atlas April


I'm having a problem while trying to install Atlas April CTP (I've already installed a previous version on another computer and it worked) :
The system is new and clean (XP Pro), I installed Visual Studio 8 (.NET with C#), then IIS, then Atlas.
When I launch Visual, I can't find the template Atlas Web Site in the new web site menu (even when selecting C# as default language) and the atlas web site I've previously created can't be compiled because Atlas is not parsed.
I figured out that the "mydocs" folder is located on the LAN and synchronized due to a group rule. Then the templates are not directly on C:\Document and settings\... but on \\lan\share-mysdocs\...
As it is a global security rule, I can't change the place where My docs are stored.

Have someone experienced this problem or would be able to have an idea about it ?

Thank youThe problem really come from the mydocs configuration :
using a local user (outside of the domain and its rules), atlas will install its files on the C drive and it works !

Installation problems

I get this error "A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: C:\Dociments and Settings\username\Desktop\AtlasSetup[1].msi" when I try to install. Any help would be appreciated.


Are you trying to install an at-least-4-month-old version of it?

Actually I didn't even notice. I am opening ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi, but it's complaining about AtlasSetup[1].msi. Any ideas?

Well, if the filename has the "[1]", it sounds like it's a downloaded file by IE...

I'd do a search on the computer for that Atlas file name, remove it, goto the MS Ajax site again and re-download what you need....

well it turns out i hadn't uninstalled a previos version of atlas, so the ajax was trying to uninstall it... but the uninstall was corrupted.. i ended up just downloading a copy of atlassetup.msi and pointing the install to that file, and that seemed to work.. well at least the install finished.. havent tried it yet

I had the same problem and ended up having to use the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to get rid of the bad install.


Installation problems

I have been developing with AJAX since the release.
Now I received a new client computer and had to install all software again.
Everything went fine except AJAX where I received an odd error message.

1) I downloaded the file ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi
2) I tried to launch it but repeatedly get the following error:
"A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi"

I tried to download it to all kinds of local folders but without any difference.
What kind of network error could that be?
IIS is installed and set to ASP 2.0.
Is there something obvious that I forgot this time?

i am having the exact same issue, did you ever get it working?

Yes, I asked the dotnet forum and finally got this advice:

The workaround is to use Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to remove the AJAX entry and then run setup again.

#Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

Installation problems with AJAX on WinXP, VS.NET Express pls help

I'm sure you get this stuff a lot, but I've looked through the archives and don't see exactly my situation.

Background info:

My machine in WinXP, and I'm using the Express web developer edition.

I moved my MyDocuments location to my D: drive and also renamed it to the more sensible, UserData. I don't know if this is the source of a problem or not. Visual Studio is installed on my C: drive. The path to where I put my Ajax files is:

"D:\UserData\Visual Studio 2005\Ajax

I installed AJAX by running the ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi. No problemsthere. I opened VS is saw the Ajax tools, but didn't do anything else.

I then downloaded the AjaxControlToolKit and copied it to the Ajax folder noted above as well.

The problems:

When I open the AjaxControlToolkit solution (.sln) I get the error:

"...AjaxControlToolkit.csproj is not installed."

When I run AjaxControlExtender.vsi, but when I do this I get the following error messages:

"Installation stopped because the directory for the ProjectType value did not exist. The project type is invalid for your installation of Visual Studio."

And the tools don't install.

I then decided to skip that and try to just use the standard tools.

I created a blank AJAX enabled application, added an update panel and some other controls, tried to run it, and I get these warnings in the web.config file:

"Warning 1 The 'requirePermission' attribute is not declared. D:\UserData\Visual Studio 2005\Websites\AJAXEnabledWebSite1\Web.config 10 207 D:\...\AJAXEnabledWebSite1\"

Any help on these issues?



If you only installed Visual Web Developer Express ,How can you open C# project as you didn't installed C# Express?

Prerequisites: Downloading the Toolkit project requires that you have installed the VS 2005 Web Application Projects (WAP) update, available at (note there are two downloads, a VS 2005 update and the mainWAP update). However, if you install Visual Studio Service Pack 1 then the WAP update is included in it and need not be installed separately.

For more information,please check out:

AJAX Control Toolkit Project Page

Best Regards

Installation Question

I did the install but have not found the AJAX template in VS 2005.

Using ASP.NET AJAX with Visual Studio

If you have Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 installed on your computer, the installation process installs templates for AJAX-enabled Web site projects. It also installs an assembly (AJAXExtensionToolbox.dll) that extends the Visual Studio toolbox. When you create a new AJAX-enabled Web site by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, the template automatically includes the Web.config file that includes the elements required for ASP.NET AJAX components.

Well, since it didn't automatically install, would some kind person volunteer to explain to me how to manually install this template?

Question one: What is the name of the template?

Question two: Is it some where in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions\v1.0.61025?

Thanks in advance, I am looking forward to using AJAX.


I think you are refering to the AJAX toolkit.

You can download the AJAX Toolkit from this site:

And here is the video that shows you how to install it:

Installation question

I have a application which is using several 3rd party tools which ar based off of AJAX RC. If I remove the RC version and reinstall the RTM version how will this affect my application.For sure you might run into a few problems. I've been working on a big fat project at work since the "Atlas" came out. Whenever there's a new version, I uninstall and reinstall ajax. It's a pain, because the new that comes out is not compatible with the old one, not all but some. However, it's not that bad that makes you want to rip your hair off your head. When you change one line of the old ajax to the new one, the next one is basically similar. Most of it is copy & paste. =) You gotta start from somewhere. Good luck.

installation requirements

What are the installation requirements for Atlas? I've got VS.NET 2005 Beta 2 (8.0.50110.28), but I get a FileNotFoundException when I try to run the install. I looked around on the web and in forums, but I couldn't find anyone else with a similar issue. Any ideas?Do you have a "Visual Studio 2005" directory under your My Documents folder? It should have a structure like this:
Visual Studio 2005
+ Code Snippets
+ Projects
+ Settings
+ Templates
+ Visualizers
I had a variation of the folder structure you mentioned... I had ItemTemplates and ProjectTemplates folders instead of a single Templates folder. (This was the default installation.) I added the Templates folder and tried running the Atlas installation again but got the same message -- FileNotFoundException. Is there an additional set of folders under the Templates directory that the install is looking for? Or a specific file in there?

Installation questions

What download do I need to install on my Web Server

and What downloads/s do i install on my desktop for development?

What Operating System is your web server and development box?

Provided you have IIS working on both, download

The Dot.NET 2.0 SDK

Hi lconley,

I think you should provide more information such as "what you want to do?"、"your system environments" etc , or we may cannot give you more valuable suggestions.Big Smile

Installed AJAX - cannot upload large files

Hello there.
I have an issue with file size to be uploaded that happened only after I installed AJAX.

So before installing AJAX on the web server, we did set on the web.config of our application the following value
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=30000 /> which did allow us to upload files up to 30 MG.

After we installed AJAX, it seems that we are not capable to upload large files again.

Do you know if AJAX installation may override somehow that value somewhere else?
The web.config of our application still has the 30000 entry ...but it is obviously not working any longer.


If the file upload is now inside an ajax control, it may be that you're hitting a script-timeout (i.e. XMLHTTPREQUEST times out before the whole file can be uploaded.)

You're best bet would be to run the file upload outside of an ajax control - i.e. as a proper postback.

p.s. It should be 30720 for 30 MB - in case you're publishing the maximum size it could confuse people.

thank you , but I'm not using AJAX in my upload page

I use just put Scriptmanager in the master page/? is this makes problems ?

by the way it was working well up to 10MB but when I changed the server it upload the file with 0kb even it's 5MB

so is this mistake of server (it's local server indeed) I want to be ensure that the code is ok

here is my upload function

1public string DoImport(FileUpload myFileUpload)2 {3string ServerPath ="";4string webServerFilePath ="";5try6 {78string filepath = myFileUpload.PostedFile.FileName;910if ((filepath !=null) & (filepath.Length != 0))11 {12 FileInfo finfo =new FileInfo(filepath);13string filename = finfo.Name;14//save file on the webserver machine1516 StringBuilder bufWebServerFilePath =new StringBuilder(240);17string tempImportFldr =18 Server.MapPath("~\\"19 + ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TempAttachPath"].ToString());20 bufWebServerFilePath.Append(tempImportFldr);21if (tempImportFldr.EndsWith("\\") ==false)22 {23 bufWebServerFilePath.Append("\\");24 }25 bufWebServerFilePath.Append(Session.LCID.ToString() + filename);/*to make file unique*/26 webServerFilePath = bufWebServerFilePath.ToString();272829if (File.Exists(webServerFilePath))30 {31 File.Delete(webServerFilePath);32 }3334 myFileUpload.SaveAs(webServerFilePath);3536 ServerPath = webServerFilePath;37 }383940 }41catch (Exception Ex)42 {43////this code is to write in a log file(Optional)44 CreateLogFiles.CreateLogFiles Err =new CreateLogFiles.CreateLogFiles();45string path = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString();46 Err.ErrorLog(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath.ToString() + ("Logs/ErrorLog"),"(" + ServerPath +")DoImport->(internal memo)" + Ex.Message);4748 }495051return ServerPath;52 }
the error message comes in line (36) ->Cannot access a closed file.
so any help please 
thanks in advance 

Well , I got it worked by adding this line in my web.config

<httpRuntime useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true" maxRequestLength="250000" requestLengthDiskThreshold="250000"/>


Hey all,

I've installed the ASP.NET AJAX CTP, now what? I haven't seen anything change in the toolbox or is this an under the cover kinda of deal.




well, you have to add the controls by hand to the toolbox since the ctp controls aren't added automaticaly:

SmileThank you.

Installed new AJAX RT, now ASP controls dont work.


I have been runing AJAX CTP and today upgraded to the full release version. I followed the migration instructions and updated my config file. So I thought I would go ahead and hit run as I am not using that much AJAX in my site. Thought I would just let the error messages show me where to update my AJAX code. Well I did not even get to that part of the code. For some reason now all my ASP controls seem to be disconjointed. Has anyone ever seen this message?

Error 10 The type or namespace name 'Controls' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.UI' (are you missing an assembly reference?) C:\WebSite\login.ascx 7

And this is the line that it stops on:<asp:TextBoxid="login_password" runat="server"TextMode="Password"EnableViewState="True"></asp:TextBox>

Thanks for any insite.


Never mind, I figured it out.
I'm having the same problem now. What did you do to correct it?

Installer Message

I had the .net framework installed on my computer and then installed Visual Studio 2005 and have been playing with 2.0 for a while. Now that I downloaded the AJAX tool and try to install it I am getting a message that says I do not have the .net framework and AJAX cannot be installed to compatibility errors. I verified?in?my?programs?list?that?.net?framework?is?there?and?I?have?the?latest?(3.0)?all?the?way?back?to?1.0?so?I'm?not?sure?what's?going?on.?The?only?thing?I?can?think?of?is?that?Admin
privies are required to install b/c registries are being altered or something (I don't have admin). Normally when I try to use a windows installer and that happens I get an "Administrative Rights Required" message; not a compatibility message...Any thoughts?


JoeI had Tech Support give me admin privileges and the AJAX extensions installed without a problem. Apparently the installer was getting normally reports that sort of thing when Admin is required on an install.


I'm trying to install latest version of ASP.NET 2.0 v1.0 and when I try to install it says a previous version is installed and I need to un-install from add/remove programs. I have ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions Beta 2
installed currently. When I go to control panel add/remove programs and try and un-install it eventually comes up with "FATAL ERROR during installation". I can't seem to re-install new version (v1.0) or uninstall old version (beta 2.0). Is there a manual way I can get old version uninstalled or new version installed. Have tried on another PC and all works without a problem (have just uninstalled and re-installed).


Discovered was corrupt registry setting/s on my PC. Ran Registry Mechanic and was ok after this.

you still have old version msi (beta 2)

try install it again, then remove it

Installing "Atlas" in Windows Vista RC1

I just tried installing Atlas on Windows Vista RC1. When it gets to the installing templates part, it errors out, but completes the rest of the installation. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know how to correct it?? It's not really a problem, just kind of annoying.



Me too.

The template of C# cannot be installed though the template of VB can be installed. I want to know the method of evading this problem.




well, i did this:

1. go to c:\widows

2. run explorer.exe as an administrator

3. in the new explorer window which opens, go to the installation folder and run the installer.

This did not seem to work. It did the exact same thing that happened the last time.


I have the same problem here ... this is very strange!!!!

the Atlas instalation say that need to register an extention in the IIS, but we don't need to have the IIS to develop with VS2005. That must be the problem.

Hope this helps.

Paulo Aboim Pinto

I was able to get it installed by turning off UAC (user access control).

Installing a new control

I have downloaded a new AJAX Control. but I don't now how to install it. in the readme file says:

1. Copy /ModalUpdateProgress folder into the AjaxControlToolkit projectin the AjaxControlToolkit solution you downloaded. Make sure the js fileis set as embedded resourse. recompile the project.
2. Reference AjaxControlToolkit.dllin your web app.

How do I recompile the project and how to set the js file as a embedded resourse

Seems both ModalUpdateProgress and AjaxControlToolkit are need.

Are they downloaded from the following location?

yes they are. AjaxControlToolkit is installed and it is working fine

I have downloaded some other controls such as ModalUpdateProgress but I don't know how to "recompile the project ". What project?

Installing AJAX 1.0 on Windows 2003 Server

All, I have a windows 2003 server fully patched that we have full control of. It has IIS installed on it. Now we have developed an ASP.NET Ajax application, that runs fine on the desktop with visual studio installed. We have uploaded it to the server and Ajax is installed on the server. I can see the extension in the Windows\assembly folder, but when we run the web site we get the following error. I have checked through the forum and am going round in circles. Sorry if this is a stupid question but how do we get past this?

Server Error in '/movies' Application.

Configuration Error

Description:An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message:Unrecognized attribute 'type'.

Source Error:

Line 2: <configuration>Line 3: <configSections>Line 4: <sectionGroup name="system.web.extensions" type="System.Web.Configuration.SystemWebExtensionsSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35">Line 5: <sectionGroup name="scripting" type="System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35">Line 6: <section name="scriptResourceHandler" type="System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingScriptResourceHandlerSection, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" requirePermission="false" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication"/>

Source File:F:\Websites\movies\web.config Line:4

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2407; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2407

Problem is that your iste is configured to use 1.1:Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2407; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2407

Switch to 2.0 and it should work correctly. To switch go to IIS Manager, open properties of your web site and click tab.

Thanks coincidently just managed to work it out at the same time.

Thanks for your help

Installing AJAX on Test Server

When I install AJAX on my test server, is there anything to worry about in terms of my other non-AJAX ASP applications? Will installing the AJAX framework msi effect my other applications in any way?

shouldn't affect it at all unless you get everything enabled correctly in the individual web.configs. otherwise the other web apps shouldn't even know it is there.

So it sounds like as long as I don't touch my other applications on the test server, simply installing the updated framework won't affect anything.

Installing AJAX on a production server...

i have a production server that I am attempting to install AJAX on. I have installed the latest release .msi file and I have the 2.0 framework running on it. do I need to do anything else? Here is the error I am getting when I run my sites that contain ajax controls...

Configuration Error

Description:An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message:Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (C:\wmpub\WMRoot\web.config line 53)

Source Error:

Line 51: </httpHandlers>Line 52: <httpModules>Line 53: <add name="WebResourceCompression" type="Microsoft.Web.Handlers.WebResourceCompressionModule, Microsoft.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>Line 54: <add name="ScriptModule" type="Microsoft.Web.UI.ScriptModule, Microsoft.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>Line 55: </httpModules>

I have read a few postings about similar errors, but have had no luck when following the steps. Is there a "step by step" list on how to install AJAX on a production server? Thanks in advance!


This is what i think, your project is using old AJAX dll

because by looking at Microsoft.Web.Extensions in the web.config

The Microsoft.Web.Extensions is not for latest AJAX

the latest AJAX is using "System.Web.Extensions"

In the web.config should be like below

<add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>

so you have either version conflict or web.config setting is incorrect

Thanks for catching that... I had not updated by web.config... stupid error. I appreciated it!


Installing AJAX on a fresh machine

I have a requirement from a client that I will not be able to run the AJAX Extensions installer. Is there a list of what the installer does so that I can mimic it myself during deployment? If not, they're forcing me to go the Prototype route, and I don't want to do that.

Thanks for any advice.


Hi Dan,

Please try to get a copy the Ajax extension dll and install it into the GAC of the target computer withGacutil.exe

Installing AJAX in VS 2005...?


I have tried on numerous occasions to install AJAX. I have downloaded all files and installed them in turn, in line with what the site says.

But, when I re-open VS 2005 and go to create a new website, the AJAX template is no where to be seen and, also, when I am tryign to write a site the <ajax:> tags are not available to me? I can however see the AJAX controls in my toolbox?

Has anyone had the same expereince or have any ideas on what could be wrong?

Thanks in advance



have u install ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 RC ? you can install from here

then when u create a new web site select ASP.NET AJAX Enabled Web site.

and u can use component as asp controls like this: <asp:UpdatePanelID="UpdatePanel1"runat="server">

My Regards.

Thanks for your answer Lovely.

Is it not possible to recreate the environment as in the tutorial videos as I am a complete noob to AJAX and to a certain extent .Net. So I want to be bale to follow the online tutes to the letter?

Thanks in advance

yeah, use the tutorial and you can use "Converting Applications" if u create application in old versoins.


Installing ajax extenstions and tool kit on server....

Hi All,

Im going to deploy an application that uses the ajax control tool kit to a server which as yet has not even one such application installed. And i have to create a case to convince that it is safe to install the extensions and toolkit on the server.

My arguments will be that

1) Only 2 assemblies are needed to be installed in GAC for the extensions. System.Web.Extensions and System.Web.Design.Extensions. So our backout strategy is fairly simple, all that needs to be done is unregister these assemblies from the GAC.

2) Ajax control tool kit assembly AjaxControlToolkit.dll will be just copied in the bin folder so this should not be an issue.

I also had a question if the app will work if the 2 System assemblies are simply copied in the bin folder?? I had read a post somewhere that the app has to run with full trust but did not quiet understand why that has to happen. To me if the assemblies are first searched in bin and if not found then searched in GAC, so this should work fine.

I also wanted to get the 2 points above validated because what I do has to go through an approval process and i have to be absolutely sure of what I am doing.

All answers appreciated, especially from someone who is managing servers where plain vanillla 2.0 apps and ajax apps are running side by side.



Sorry about this..but i just confirmed that it is already an approved install..

Installing Ajax extensions

I installed the Ajax extensions, then the Ajax Control Toolkit on my old computer, but now I'm trying to do the same on a new computer. Has the process changed? I'm not having any luck adding the extension controls (Script Manager, Update Panel etc) or the Toolkit controls. That older video that walks you through the steps doesn't include any info about the extensions.

Anyone have a resource? Thanks

Can't you just open VS.NET 2005 and choose >File, >New, >Website, >ASP.NET AJAX-Enabled Website?


Thank you.

-- Mark Kamoski

No, I couldn't. I ended up searching online for the Extensions (ASPAJAXExtSetup) which installed the basic extensions (ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, Create AJAX Enabled Web Site) then I added the Ajax control toolkit. WIthout that first step, I kept getting an error when trying to add the Toolkit controls to Visual Studio that I was missing System.Web.Extensions DLL

This site use to have some instructions for that first step, but I couldn't find anything about it.

Hi barryman9000,

Based on my understanding, you want to add AJAX control toolkit. However, since you have not installed ASP.NET AJAX Extensions, add AJAX control toolkit always fail. You concern is you don't know how to install the AJAX Extensions and wonder if there is a document instructs the installation steps. If I have misunderstood your concern, please let me know.

Actually, we have the AJAX installation tutorial in this website. I provide the link of that tutorial for your reference, hope it is helpful to you.

Installing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX

By the way, you can download AJAX Extensions 1.0 from the following link:

ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0

Installing Ajax Controls

I have been using Ajax on my sites for a few months now. I went to use a control extension, modal popup, and got an error. It was looking for something on my desktop.

    I decided to reset the toolbox hoping that it would correct itself, and the control extension tab disappeared.Removed the ajax control program from the system via the control panel add/remove.Downloaded ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi and installed it.

Now I still do not have the control extension tab. It also blew up on this line in the web config:

<add tagType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompareValidator" mappedTagType="System.Web.UI.Compatibility.CompareValidator, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>

This seems to be a common problem, but since I was not using validation controls I just deleted the lines and it compiled.

Any ideas how I can get those controls back?

what version did you uninstall? Its my understanding that ajax breaks the validators in the most recent version and in order to use them you must add those tagmappings.

Follow the directions here and you should be good. It works for me.

I am not sure what version I uninstalled. I have no problems with the validators. My problem is that I cannot add the extended controls to my toolbox. For example, modal popup, tabs, accordian. I've downloaded the Control Toolkit and have run AjaxControlExtender.vsi. When I open up an ASP.NET site I do not get the controls in my Toolbox. Any ideas?
Right click in the toolbox and click Add Tab. Create a new tab called, AJJAX Toolkit. Once created click in the tab and click add controls/items. When the window comes up navigate to the AjaxToolkit.dll and click add. This should all the items.
That fixed it. When I was using atlas I had to do it this way, but this time I could not remember which dll it was. Thank you.

Installing AJAX Control Toolkit for Visual Web Developer Express Edition

I cannot find any documentation on the website on how to install the AJAX Control Toolkit using Visual Web Developer Express Edition. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



have you tried

Found a great tutorial that steps through the process of adding the controls to the toolbox at

installing ajax toolkit

hi friends,

i want to learn ajax, i saw the ajax video available on the site but the problem is that when i open the AjaxControlToolkit.sln the TemplateVSI file is not open. that's why i can't build the toolkit

i am using visual web developer 2005.

plz help me.

Hi Zubair Alam,

With VWD you're not able to compile the whole solution. You need Visual Studio 2005 standard or above for that (as the project types are implemented separately in the express editions).

As you're only missing out on the .VSI project it's not really a loss.

All you actually need is the control toolkit dll, which you can find in the "bin" directory of the sample website.

Thisvideo covers installing (as well as adding the controls to the toolbox) and should get you on your way. There's a whole bunch of videos about ajaxhere

I hope that helps.

hi imco

please explain me which studio i downlod which is in small size, its only for vsi file

Hi Zubair Alam,

Sorry, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what you are asking so please let me know if I'm not addressing your question.

There is a walkthrough on setting up your environmenthere if the video wasn't sufficient.

As I said, I'm not clear what exactly you're trying to accomplish, but, if you want to build the TemplateVSI project you'll need a non Express version of Visual Studio.

This means Standard, Pro or one of the "Team" editions. Microsoft offers a90 day trial of Visual Studio Professional, I'm not sure whether you can "go live" with it, you'd have to read the EULA.

You could also use the Visual Studio 2008 Beta, eitherStandard orPro.

None of those options are a small download, but at least a Beta2 install can give you an opportunity to really test Visual Studio before deciding if you're willing to pay for it.

I hope that helps.

Installing AJAX toll kit


we have developed our web page with AJAX and now we are in a stage to deploy our portal to the client. since we have used the ASPAJAXCTP.msi, we need to install in the clients place. is there any method to check whether AJAX tool kit has been installed already if not then install. can we check like this?

hope some one can help me on this.

thanks in advance

You can deploy the AJAX 1.0 in two ways:

1. By copying the AJAX dll files in bin folder of the application -> for this application should run full trust mode

2. You can place all the dll files in GAC

Its recommend deploying ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 in the GAC rather than the \bin directory. The main reason for this is that when we need to-do any updates like security fixes, critical updates, etc

it will be easy.

but when i started development in ajax i have installed these two setup. we dont need to install this in clients place? only the dll will do? is this right? please give your comments.


Yes you are correct.

Installing AJAX question

My wen hosting company is worried about installing ASP.NET AJAX onto their production server. Can anyone tell me either why this isnt an issue (i.e. with other applications and the GAC or whatever) or if it could potentially be an issue, how can I somehow install AJAX so that it is local to my application?



My guess is that the hosting company is worried about installing anything that is still in TCP, Beta or RC. I don't know if MS has issued a Go Live release for any AJAX stuff yet (best to check with them directly). As AJAX is going to become a part of production sites, it's a matter of time. If you don't want to wait, you can try another hosting Co. I know that is one that encorages new ASP.Net technology use - I'm sure there are others. If developing ASP.Net is important to you, I'd look to moving to a hosting co. that will work with you, and has a support staff that knows this stuff. Hope it helps. BRN..

thanks for the reply, sadly its not my choice about the hosting company and they seem pretty lenient about the AJAX installation. But still I would like to know how to install the AJAX CTP so that it is local to my app. (i.e. how to install the AJAX CTP into the BIN folder on my app).

How can this be done?



As you don't have the option to go with another hosting company, my guess is that any AJAX functionality you might be able to include on your own will be limited. It's only my guess, but I'd think that if the hosting co, won't install them on their webserver, you can't get access to any of the controls that are part of the MS AJAX RC, AJAX Toolkit or CTP (Codeplex), controls. So, you'd have to provide all the funtionality that those components provide on your own - which would mean a ton of work (if you have the skills to write the stuff), and I don't know how much of an impact on performance that would have on your web app.

Try leaving this post open for a while, and see if someone can give you a definitive anwser. My gut feeling is that trying to implement AJAX technology into your app, when the hosting co, won't install the stuff on their server, won't be worth the effort. If it were my call, I'd try to do the app without AJAX, and explain any lack of AJAX type functionality on the limits of the hosting co. Another way to do this, is to develop the app WITH MS AJAX enabled, and cut out the AJAX code. Then you could add the AJAX controls back into the app, when your hosting company will allow AJAX. I'd probably develop two versions, one with AJAX, one without. If you can host ASP.Net 2.0 apps on that hosting co., they most likely will provide AJAX support at some point - probably when MS does an official release or Go Live. Hope it helps. BRN..


I'm checking with a question on my hosting company's forum about this issue. I hope to hear from them soon. Posts I have read there seem to indicate that enabling AJAX is all on the developer side - I hope my post there will get a clear answer. It could be that your hosting co saying it doesn't support AJAX, is just that they won't help HELP YOU enable AJAX. I haven't gotten to the point of trying to get AJAX enaled on my hosted site yet, so I'm still feeling my way through the process.

I also wanted to mention that there are mixed signals as to how well (or how appropriate), the current MS AJAX technology works in providing the user experience you're after. Seems that a user hitting the back button is enough to cause problems. Also, like most new things, it may be used where it's not the best tool for the job. I've also noticed that several AJAX demo sites that I visited had some issues. whether that is caused by the site design, or my user setup and settings doesn't really matter - the point is that things for me (as Joe User), didn't work right all the time. Maybe AJAX just isn't quite ready for prime time. Hope it helps BRN..


I saw this on my hosting co.'s forum. It has some info that you might find helpful. Looks like it outlines the steps you need to take to enable an MS AJAX site on that hosting co. It could well be that the steps are the same, or similar for all ASP.Net hosting co.s. Hope it helps. BRN..


Here's another thread from the forum on using the MS AJAX toolkit (for apps using their servers): I think this gives a bit better idea of their recommendations. See if the material here gives a better clue as to how you might bbe able to get things working with your project. Hope it helps. BRN..

Installing AJAX Problems


I'm trying to deploy AJAX on a production server. I've run the AJAX 1.0 Extensions msi installer and have verified that System.Web.Extensions/.Design v. 1.0.61025.0 are located in the GAC.

The website however tells me that the assembly wasn't able to be located:

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.Source Error: Line 1:< Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Codebehind="Site.master.cs" Inherits="BlackBox.Site" %>Line 2:< Register Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"Line 3: Namespace="System.Web.UI" TagPrefix="asp" %>Line 4:< Register src="" TagName="StrategyStats" TagPrefix="uc2" %>

When I copy System.Web.Extensions in my web application's bin folder I get:

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)Source Error: Line 1:< Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Codebehind="Site.master.cs" Inherits="BlackBox.Site" %>Line 2:< Register Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"Line 3: Namespace="System.Web.UI" TagPrefix="asp" %>Line 4:< Register src="" TagName="StrategyStats" TagPrefix="uc2" %>

Any ideas how to solve this?


anyone? I'm a bit in a rush to get this solved for a production environment.


Check your project references folder forSystem.Web.Extensionsand add it if it's not there.

Mine's referencing:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions\v1.0.61025\System.Web.Extensions.dll

Good luck.

hmmmm ...

Why do you register that assembly again when it's already in the GAC? And it's probably in your Web.Config file already.

hmm... I didn't add those references, VS did when I added the Script Manager I think. However, when I take them out it works. Thanks!

Your project must have not been created asAJAX Enabled.

Another cool thing you may want to try is moving your AJAX tag prefixes to the web.config file. Try creating a new AJAX enabled website and examine the web.config for an example.

It actually was created as AJAX enabled Web Project and the web.config contains all the AJAX specific code. No clue why the register directives got added to the individual sites...

Installing an AJAX Control Toolkit Patch

Either I'm completely stupid or.. I don't know.. but I can't find anyone having this problem anywhere.

I'm trying to apply a patch for my AutoCompleteExtender ( But I don't have the slightest idea on how to apply these patches. I was recommended to read on how to apply them and here is what is says:

1. Unzip the changeset somewhere on your machine
2. Open the AjaxControlToolkit.csproj in your Visual Studio
3. Change "Configuration" from "Debug" to "Release"
4. Build
5. Copy AjaxControlToolkit.dll to my project

Right, so.. when I build my AjaxControlToolkit project, the "changeset" files (which I believe is the 1,2,3,4,5.. files plus the patch.xml?) is just gonna magically merge with my project or what? Forgive me for the stupid questions, but I just can't figure this out. Could anyone enlighten me, please? I got 11 files named 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 plus a patch.xml which i extracted from the ZIP-file i dowloaded (




I'm sure there must be someone who knows how it works?

Here is the wiki which lists the patch utility installation instructions: Let us know if you see any issues.

I think I misunderstood your question. Shawn pointed it out to me that you want to apply a patch submitted by a user that is attached to a bug. Unfortunately we do not support that. Shawn's blog post refers to creating and submitting patches and not reusing patches submitted by others. We take the patches and check them in for the patch creator and then it becomes available to everybody to download from the Toolkit project source code tab.

If however you do want that patch, you can unzip that file and copy over all the changed files and new files to a Toolkit source code location. Check with the owner of the patch the changelist number it was created against, download that version of the Toolkit and then copy over the files.

Since that change is not in the Toolkit source tree officially, we do not support it and may not be able to help you with questions related to it. We plan to have some form of key-value support for AutoComplete in the next release so if you would like to wait then it might be better in the long run.

Okay. Thank you for your reply. Too bad you couldn't help me. I'll contact the author of that patch.

How far away do you think the release of the next version is?

Hey there!

I guess you're not the only one. Having the same problems myself. How the hell do I get a new version of Toolkits working? I'd like to upgrade the new desing for Autocomplete (which is BTW cool), but I just don't know what to do with the files that are available for download (with or without source code). What am I missing? And yeah, I have VS Express Edition (c#). Should I have some other?

And I'm really anxious for new functionality of Autocomplete, since now, without some hidden ID field is pretty useless, althoug fancy :)

Thanks for your help in advance!

I am having exactly the same problem. I get the latest and greatest downloaded, but can't seem to get it to install so that the new components are available in my applications. Is there a clear set of instructions for this somewhere?


I was scratching my head over the same issue. I found the info here:

and see the last section: Upgrading to a newer Toolkit release...


I have the same issue and i downloaded the latest release version, but i still don't have the key-value pair for the autocomplete extender.It would definitely be really helpful if there were good directions on how to install the patches...

(at least i see that i am not the only one having these issues...)

See this forum post for more information on that feature.

Installing AjaxControlToolkit


I would like to use noBot, so I installed Ajax and the WAP, but including the AjaxControlToolKit gives me an error that it can't find the file

Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Is there a way to manually install all the required files for the AjaxControlToolkit?

Can I find the required .dll somewhere and just copy it in the bin folder in order to make it work?

Will the noBot work if my page is not Ajaxfied?

Thank you

Find AjaxControlToolkit.dll file in Program Files on the location where is AjaxControlToolkit installed and copy it into bin folder.

Great, thanks

Is there a way of testing the noBot exept than putting the form live and beeing cracked (again) ?

Thank you

Perhaps you could deploy it to a test site before putting it on the actual production site.

Well yes... but the attackers know my live site :)

Do you know of any tools that do such attacks to test it?


I do not...although I don't think it would be too difficult to write a test app yourself. In the past we've used third parties to do Penetration Testing on our external facing apps and servers. If you have an application or server that you need to ensure is secure, I would recommend this.

Installing ASP.NET AJAX with Visual Studio 2003

Hi Everyoe

I have one question that I want to install the ASP.NET AJAX with my Visual Studio 2003. So I want to know that which version of the ASP.NET AJAX will work properly with it. Also I am using Windows 2000 Professional and SQL Server2000 for Data Base Management.

Thanx in advance

Muhammad Ahsin Saleem

You will need to upgrade to .Net 2.0. as Ajax Beta is only compatable with .Net 2.0, .Net 3.0 (WCF) and upcoming Orcas...

Additionally - you can use the free Visual Development Express tools (as VS 2003 is not supported) - download them from theDownloads Tab .(as well as download Ajax and lots of starter kits)

There are no plans to support VS 2003 or .Net 1.1 I do believe...However, you can run on Windows 2000 - as OS is not the limitation - just the framework version..

Installing Atlas into non-atlas solutions

Hello everyone!

I need some help to do what I have to do, which is the following :

I have an asp .net 2.0 application nearly finished, and now I need to put support to atlas in it. How do I do that? I can't just start it over using the atlas template, there's too much already done! However, I only know how to start an atlas application.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Leandro Fernandez

Your best bet (imo, easiest) is to start an atlas project, then copy over the bits of the web.config you don't have (there's handlers, additional sections, etc) currently. You'd also make sure you have the atlas.dll in your /bin of the site, and then start adding atlas stuff. easiest of course is to add a scriptmanager and then wrap existing things in updatepanels, but it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

I just dealt with this: add the Atlas.dll to bin, add the sections to web.config as per the tutorial and add a script manager to the .master page if you have one. Try implementing an UpdatePanel, that will get you going.

Go to this post: and scroll down a little. It shows the changes to web.config needed for Atlas to work (in addition to copying the dll into the bin folder!)

Installing Atlas

We want to play and test Atlas before putting into our existing project.

I am here to verifiy that simply installing Atlas will only effect projects (even obtusely)where I actually use the .dll.

SeanMCSE. Yes. It won't affect anything else. Even obtusely.

installing atlas

Shall atlas be installed at my webhost, or shall it only be installed at my local developer machine?



and welcome to the ASP.NET forums.

When you install Atlas it'll be only installed on the machine where you install it on so that's probably only your dev machine. When you deploy it to your server you don't need to install it there. Just make sure that the Atlas assembly is in the /bin subfolder of your application.

Grz, Kris.


Thank you!

Could you also tell me if Atlas is a ASP.NET 2.0 only thing, or does it also work with ASP.NET 1.1?

Atlas requires ASP.NET 2.0.


Installing Atlas Toolkit

Does the Atlas Toolkit work with VS2005 Satandard Edition? I downloaded the self extracting file and it autoinstalled, but I when I startde up VS there was no option for Atlas?

You need to manualy add the controls to the toolbox and add a reference to the AtlasControlToolkit.dll.

Hope this helps

Yes that worked fine. One other question though, I tried to use the drop shadow extender but nothing happens?? I put a couple of text boxes on the screen and dragged over the drop shadow extender and thought I would see extra options in the prperty window to control the amount of shadow etc, but nothing there? Same thing again with the rounded corners extended - nothing happens. What am I missing out?

Many thanks,
Can you post an example of your code?
I have it working now. I didn't realise that new options would be added to the property box of the item being manipulated.


Hello Everyone,

I am trying to intall the Control tool kit from CodePlex and I am following instructions as perASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit:
Installation and getting started

In the step where I have to open the AjaxControlToolkit.sln I get the errors:

1) The application for project 'C:\..\AjaxControlToolKit\SampleWebsite' is not installed.
Make sure the application for project type () is installed.

2) The application for project 'C:\..\AjaxControlToolKit\AjaxControlToolKit.csproject' is not installed.
Make sure the application for project type () is installed.

3) The application for project 'C:\..\AjaxControlToolKit\TEmplateVSI\TEplateVSI.csproject' is not installed.
Make sure the application for project type () is installed.

4) The application for project 'C:\..\AjaxControlToolKit\ToolKitTests' is not installed.
Make sure the application for project type () is installed.

I followed step by step of the instructions and I do not know what I am doing wrong.

Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance



What version of Visual Studio are you using? These messages indicates that your visual studio can't open a project of type WebSite.

Please refer to this for more information:

Application Not Installed Dialog Box

This dialog box appears with the error "The application for project <project> is not installed. Make sure the application for the project type (<projectextension>) is installed."

This dialog box appears because a product required to open the specified file was not found. It is common for this error to occur when attempting to open a project file that cannot be opened with the installed version of Visual Studio. For example, attempting to open a Visual C# project file with Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition will open this dialog box.
To workaround this error

Install the correct version of Visual Studio.

Hope this helps.

Hello Raymond,

Thank you very much for the reply.
I am using Visual Web Developer Express 2005.
I will look at the link you mentioned at night when I have more time to see if I can work around.

Installing Control Kit Problem


I'm hoping someone can help. I'm trying to install the Atlas control kit to Visual Web Developer Express and get the following error whilst loading the solution file.

make sure the application for the project type (.csproj) is installed

I'm using all the latest downloads from this website

Any help would be much appreciated..


You need to have one of the Visual C# products installed to build the full Toolkit.

thanks for the suggestion. I've installed Visual C# Express but still get the same error.

Very frustrating as i would like to see what the atlas control do... :(

I think you'll need to open the AtlasControlToolit.csproj in Visual C# Express, build it, then copy the bits over to the SampleWebSite, open that in VWD and launch from there. Simply having C# Express installed isn't quite enough.
I'll confirm because when I'm at home I have to do the same thing when trying to work with a library and website. Smile
I'll confirm because when I'm at home I have to do the same thing when trying to work with a library and website. Smile
Briiliant, i hope your method works...Big Smile

installing sample databases for march CTP

I can't able to attach sam,ple databases.I have installed atlas sample applications as there default path.

I am getting error

CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 123(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\Atlas Sample Applications\Contacts\App_Data\C:\DD\ATLAS\MAIN\APPS\CONTACTS\APP_DATA\CONTACTS.MDF_log.LDF'.
File activation failure. The physical file name "C:\dd\atlas\main\apps\Contacts\App_Data\Contacts_log.ldf" may be incorrect. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 5123)

even if i remove lof file option when attaching the file,

(no result)


(no result)

rename database to contacts e.t.c

if any body got same problem and able to resolve then please guide me

Where you able to fix this problem , i'm having the same problem on my machine. thxs.

Installing the "Atlas" Preview. Problems..

Hello, I have a Win XP Pro system with VS2005 RTM.
I am trying to learn how to use "Atlas" but I am coming up with problems with the "install".
Apparently, there is no "install". The proper way to install the support for "Atlas" is to install the templated web
site(s) and they will install the proper support. I think.
When I download the templated "Atlas" websites vi the msdn website..
I get a .vsi file. Upon following the directions on the page, all seems to go well until I get to the section labeled
"To Create the ASP.NET "Atlas" Web Site in Visual Studio."
Step 3. says...In the Templates window, under My Templates, select the ASP.NET "Atlas" Web Site template.
but there is no "Atlas" Web Site Template.
I do note that I have a ..
C:\Documents and Settings\jadams\My Documents\Visual Studio2005\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual WebDeveloper\VisualBasic\ file
and it contains lots of stuff including labs, .js files, etc. I don't think .VSI file actuall installed properly.
Can someone please help me in getting the files installed properly. I have searched all throught the forums
and followed all the examples people give, but I only get the two zip files. How can I extract them manually to the proper
directories that they should be put. That seems to be the easiest, as the VSI installer isn't doing the job. ( I think).

Atlas is those lines of async Java. When you create an atlas project, those libraries as well as references to an atlas dll is propagated to the projects that you create. I think that part is working fine.
I just looked through my directories and it is as you say, those files are in directories called caches. Only a developer could say what else goes along with locating those files. We don't know what additions have been made to the registry.
I'm running RC1 and at least my templates installed. On the other hand, I find the atlas environment to be very fragile and that saddens me because I think it's an exciting technology.

Hi Wilco,
I've come to a conclusion which is that I do not think that the observed behavior supports your hypothesis.
I believe that this is a code problem having to do with name spaces and classing.
In other words, I don't think the dom has an object called RetsDBInterface.
I've been looking at the PDC05 labs and I notice that in those labs, they create a namespace in the ASMX called
Samples.AspNet within the webservice HelloWorldService where the WebMethod of is Helloworld.
Those samples then referenced
In order to that, the Java script code had to be aware of the namespace class and WebMethod. No matter what I do with classes and Namespaces that line of code cannot find it's object or the namespace actually.
I believe this problem boils down to how do get the Java code itself to resolve a reference to GetRetsInterface.GetRetsDB(Argumentlist)?
I believe that's what broken here? Are there tools beyond code inspection that will assist in this? What are the possible reasons for the Javascript to not be able to resolve those references?

Installing the ASP.Net control toolkit with Windows Vista

I installed Ajax, the Extensions and the Toolkit with no problem at work on my Windows XP machine. However I have no look getting it to work at home on my Windows Vista machine. Has anyone succeed in get theirs installed with Windows Vista? I keep getting an error saying the TemplateVSI\TemplateVSI.cproj is not installed. How can I get this thing going?

Thanks for any help!

Hi kannis1,

Have you read carefully?

It is hard to say where the issue lies on.

Best Regards

Monday, March 26, 2012

Installing the AJAX Control Toolkit

Hi All,

I've downloaded the latest toolkit but don't seem to have any of the new controls. eg DropShadow or UpdatePanelAnimation.

When I open the semple website that comes with the download, I can view the source of the asp page but can't switch to design view. When I try, I get the following message:

error creating control - content 1

Unknown server tag 'asp:ScriptManager'

I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express edition - is this my problem and do I need a full vs2005 edition?

Many thanks in advance


Couple things could cause that. Most likely though you don't have the necessary changes made to your WEB.CONFIG. Create a new AJAX project from scratch and review the stuff it puts in there related to AJAX. Then merge those things into your WEB.CONFIG. Somebody should put together a FAQ on retrofitting an existing web.config file to support AJAX and the toolkit.

It also could be that you haven't copied the DLL for AJAX and the TOOLKIT into your BIN folder.

In order for the Toolbox controls to appear in the toolbox, you have to right-click in the toolbox and add the controls by pointing to the Toolkit DLL.

Hi there,

In my bin folder for my new application, I have the required DLL(Microsoft.Web.Atlas.dll). I have tried to add the toolkit to my toolbar, navigated to the relevant DLL and this throws up another error which I have put in another post.

One thing I have noticed is that uner My templates when I create a new site, I have "ATLAS" Web Site. Most docs I have read suggest it should say AJAX Website. I have the latest Atlas CTP installed so I am not sure why this is. Thanks for your tips so far and any further tips would be hugely appreciated.



Atlas.dll is the old version, you need Ajax.dll

THere is a guide somewhere on this website for upgrading from the Atlas.dll syntax ...

Hi Dtaylo75,

Excellent. Found the guide. Deleted the Atlas CTP and Installed the AJAX Beta. Now the AJAX toolkit is included in my toolbar.

Many thanks for your time this afternoon.


Installing the MS Ajax Extensions


I was wondering if a developer should install the MS Ajax Extensions with Source or without?


Just MS Ajax Extensions without source.

Please can you tell my why one over the other on a developers desktop? Wouldn't I want the source code version on the developers desktop and development server, then the one with no source on a production server? Sorry I am confused.


Hi blaze6947,

The ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions Source Code package installs both the source code and the debugging symbols for ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions to help you maintain and debug applications built with ASP.NET AJAX 1.0. You can install the source code independently or use it with Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. Once the source code is installed with Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express, you can use the built-in debugger to quickly meet your troubleshooting needs

If you need use the built-in debugger to quickly meet your troubleshooting needs,install the MS Ajax Extensions with Source.

Best Regards

Thank You Jin-Yu Yin for answering my question.

Good day, I am trying to understand how this works. I have installed the AJAX Extensions with Source code and I am trying to debug a scenario. I'm using the Web Client Software Factory and PageMethods don't work. I installed the source code, but nothing is different. I cannot step into methods in the extension source code, I cannot set break points. Did I miss something? Do I need to be using a Web Application Project rather than a regular web site? Am I supposed to copy the symbol files somewhere? Place the source inside my project? Please advise if anyone has any help for me.

Thank you.

Installing Toolkit on ASP.NET Express Edition

Okay so I download the file and all and I started watching the video tutorial on how to install but only to quickly find out i need the full version of to do it like in the tutorial.

It mentioned using the .dll file and so on if you have the Express version but that doesn't get me far. As a novice I'm wondering if anyone has a video or a good walkthrough.

Thank you. :)


You download the toolkit from the below link

and download the video from the below link

and follow the instructions in the video , i hope ur problem will be solved.

Thanks but I already downloaded the file and I watched the video.

The video works only if you have the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 FULL VERSION, I on the other hand only have the Express Edition.

Anyone know how to install it for the Express Edition?


installing v1.0 beta on Windows 2000 Server


Is it possible and safe to install the new beta and ctp on Windows 2000 Server please?



yes, i've just seen another post where a team member said that the docs are incorrect since they don't mention that ajax is supported on windows 2000 server (a quick search will show this post).

Excellent! Thank you for your help.

Installing/Adding ATLAS Conrol Extenders


I have downloaded the extenders from the website.

Although when I attempt to add Microsoft.AtlasControlExtender.dll to the toolbar - I receive the following error:

Microsoft Visual Studio
There are no components in 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\Atlas\v2.0.50727\Atlas\Microsoft.AtlasControlExtender.dll' that can be placed on the toolbox.

why is that so? what am i doing wrong? I just want to use the textbox watermark for a start :).

any help is much appreciated.

Thank you.Install "AtlasControlToolkit.dll", not "Microsoft.AtlasControlExtender.dll"

See for full setup

I have already installed that one.

But when I've added all the controls - none of the TextBox watermark or sliding Containers - they're not there.

So I figured I had to install the Extenders...

If in fact they're part of the AtlasControlToolkit.dll - why dont all the extenders come up when I add them to the toolbar?
Interesting... they should be in AtlasControlToolkit.dll

Check to make sure you have the latest version of the control toolkit. If you do, you might try deleting the tab (or resetting the toolbox) and recreating the toolkit tab.

Microsoft.AtlasControlExtender.dll only contains the base class that all the extenders inherit from, so you won't find any useful toolbox items there.
Colin - i had a look - and in fact after re-adding it - worked perfectly.

Thank you very much.


Installting AjaxExtensions

Hi Friends,

I have been working with ajax now since last 3 months. I have applied in one project and works fine. I am trying to using it in another place and trying to use it in another project. Unfortunately i am not able to apply ajax successfully. I have run the setup file. I installed AjaxExtensions, i tried to test it on one page by putting a normal button inside updatepanel, to see if it is getting refreshed. But on the pageload itself i see javascript error ' Sys' is undefined. I believe its the error from Register Assembly?

I have included all the necessary details in my web config file also.

I dont know where am i doing wrong? Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Did you start with a new website using the Ajax-enabled Website template? Or are you just trying to add some Ajax to a previous web app? If it's the latter, you need to make some changes to your web.config, in addition to installing the extensions.

Configure your AJAX like this

Instant GridView Refresh on Update Button Click

I have an application that allows for the updating of data in an Oracle table. I am using Atlas, with ObjectDataSources.

There is a quicklist gridview displaying the data, the user picks the record and it displays some options for updating the record in a seperate form on the page.

Upon clicking the update button the record is updated and a Verify changes button is displayed. When the user clicks the Verify changes button the page will display the correct update.

I have found no other way to to display the change on the Update button click.

Is there a way to instantly show the update with only one click of a button. I want the gridview to rebind and display the new update with the update button click. Why does it take two clicks to show the update?

are you using Gridview1.Databind() when you click update?

That forces an update no matter what.

Instant Update Panel

I have a page on my site that displays one image, the user can post a comment about the image and rate it from 1-5 using the ajax rating control. The page entire page postbacks when the user posts a comment about the image. I am trying to get the comments gridview to postback on its own. The rating control and comment text box and gridview of comments is in a usercontrol. I put it on my photo.aspx page and then put it in an updatepanel. The user now can add a comment (and it does add) but the page still needs to be reloaded how to do you it to instantly update for new comments? Ive seen this on facebook if anyone is wondering where the influence for trying to do this is, can anyone recomend how to do this? thanks in advance ! si!

Throw your code here and let me see..

it took about an hour but it makes sense now! after the comment has been posted, I get it to reset the gridviews datasource and then databind it! haha, thanks thoughBig Smile si!

instant update from database in aspx page using AJAX


Can someone point me in the right direction? I have a simple admin screen on my website which shows a tables values from my mssql database. How ever, rather than refreshing every 30 seconds to check for new entries, is there a way using AJAX which instantly updates the admin screen as soon as a new entry is inserted into the database?


There's not a way for the server to communicate directly with the client, unless the client requests it. The way functionality like what you want is implemented is to continually ping a light weight service that returns information about the last update to the underlying data.

For example, a JSON Web Method that returns the timestamp of the most recent item, which you can compare with the timestamp of the most recent refresh you did. If it's newer than your last update, then you can call a heavier method to update the table.

You can use window.setInterval() in JavaScript to set up the periodic check.

You really have no choice but to set a timer and check the database at a set interval, unless you want to get outside the realm of AJAX and DHTML.

All web based communication is initiated by the client. The only way to have server initiated communication is through an application, such as an AcitveX Object. There are a few (a very few) websites which address this topic but because it is so much more difficult, invasive to the end-users computer, and platform/browser specific, it is rare to find this type of setup.

thanks for your replies, very interesting. I guess the timer option is the way i will have to go. I wish to make the 'service' as light as possible, and the timestamp seems ideal - do you know of any examples, or have any tips on making this as optimal and least processor intensive as possible?

thanks again

You could basically combine these two posts from my blog, with setInterval, to do it:

thanks gt, great posts - just had a quick browse of the rest of your site, you've got some excellent content on there!!

cheers Yes

I decided to put a simple example together, if anyone else is interested:

Instantiate Accordion content


I have an accordion with some panes that have custom controls in their content templates.

The accordion is NOT databound ... the contents are static, though viewstate is helping keep track of the values in the custom controls.

When the page is created for the very first time, NOT postback, the accordion panes do not instantiate the user controls until sometime during the OnPreRender stage in the lifecycle.

On subsequent postbacks however, the accordion panes do instantiate their controls during the LoadState stage, due to their presence in ViewState.

How can I make the accordion panes instantiate their content templates earlier than OnPreRender when the page is created for the first time?

The accordion pane's content templates are not dynamic. They are coded into the page markup.

I have tried calling something like Accordion.Panes[0].Content.InstantiateIn(Accordion.Panes[0]) and various combinations at various stages, but I usually ended up just getting duplicate versions of the controls in the wrong places in the page!

I could not find any "EnsureControls()" methods available in the accordion.

Many thanks in advance for your helpful suggestions,


Accordion.Panes[0].FindControl('nothing') will make pane 0 to instantiate its templates. FindControl is an indirect way to call EnsureChildControls.


Yuriy! Thank you so much! I'm relieved!

Instantiating an object of a server-side class in client-side JavaScript

Sorry this might be an easy question, but I couldn't find how to do this.

I want to define an object like,

var myObj = new MyServerSideClass();

MyServerSideClass is defined in the cs code. Is this possible? If it is, how? Thanks in advance.

Checkout the Example of Passing and Returing Complex Types in this doc:

instructions for "clean" uninstall?


could someone please post steps to uninstall atlas/ajax completely?



Choosing "Uninstall" from "Add/Remove Programs" usually works fine for me.

Intalling atlas on windows vista

hello guys.

today i've installed vista beta 2 (ultimate edition) and i'm facing a weird problem related with the installation of atlas.

everything seems to go fine but at the end of the installation i get the following error: access to the path c:\program files\microsoft\atlas\v2.0.50727\vsisetup.installstate us denied.

so, has anyone installed atlas on vista?

Hi Luis,

I got the same problem installing Atlas on Vista. I solved it by running the AtlasSetup.msi as Administrator. The problem is that Vista dont allow you to run an msi as Administrator, to do it you need to create a .bat file that executes the msi and run that .bat file as Administrator.

I just saved AtlasSetup.msi on C:\ and created atlas.bat file on c:\ with the content: "C:\AtlasSetup.msi" and saved it. To execute the bat file I clicked with the right mouse button in it and used the Run as Administrator option to execute the bat.

Hope that it helps you.

See ya,


hello Diego,

that's weird...i was testing that new feature of vista that allows you to run as non admin even though you're an admin (so, yes, i'm in the administrators group)...the funny part is that eveerything seems to run fine until the end of the installation. here i get the error presented before...

Hi Guys,

I was having the same problem yesterday and I think the problem was trying to register the asbx file extension with IIS7. After a reinstall of IIS it all worked fine.


I also tried to install attlas on vista. When I saw the message which prevents Atlas to write to the disk I rebooted Vista in safe mode and loged on as administrator. Then I got error that atlas cannot be installed in safe mode, The only thing which allow me to install atlas was to allow access to specified folder during setup. You need to find folder in windows explorer, select properties and manages security access tab,

Aleks Kleyn


i've managed to install it without errors by opening explorer as an admin (yep, go to the explorer.exe though windows explorer, right click on it and choose run as admin) and then running the installer didn't gave me any problems.

Integrate AjaxControls from Toolkit into VS 2005 Toolbox ?


I have just downloaded the Ajax Control Toolkit latest version. Although i did run "AjaxControlExtender.vsi"; however i cannot find the controls in the toolbox. Could anyone please point out how to integrate the controls from the toolkit into the toolbox. Thank you.


Add on current toolbox, right click to add a new tab, name this what ever you want like AJAX Tool Kit.

Now locate the AjaxControlToolkit.dll assembly file, it should be where you installed it under the folder SampleWebSite\Bin. Drag this assembly and drop it into your new toolbox tab. All the toolkit controls should now be in this new tab.

It worked. Thanks a lot mate.

Integrating AJAX into current site

I have seen many AJAX videos now that are good but they all start from a blank page.

I have sites I have built using ASP.NET 2 and I would like to implement ajax into those sites without rebuilding them.

Are there any videos/articles that show how to do this.

You don't have to rebuild a brand-new one. The point is to change Web.Config file. You can get template web.config file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions\v1.0.61025 (Beta 1 version) afterASP.NET AJAX v1.0 core Beta 1 release installed and then update web.config in your web application based on it. And you have to add some aspx source codes in your web pages, e.g. ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, etc.

Integrating Ajax into a SharePoint WebPart


does anyone now how to use ajax within a webpart? In SharePoint Services V 3.0 the WebPart Class is just another component of ASP. NET 2.0 so it should be pretty easy. My question is where to import the libraies. Do I have to create WebPart pages that are ajax enabled?

thx for every help!

I've been using the client-side libraries that ship with ASP.NET AJAX beta 1 inside of SharePoint webparts - basically using the generated proxies to call webservices. I haven't played much with the controls ( and I think some of them are not fully supported in the current beta's of both products). Anyway, the basic steps are as follows:

1. Modify the web.config in your sharepoint root virtual directory to include all the ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 settings.

2. Add the Microsoft.Web.UI control to your <SafeControls> list in the web.config.

3. Build the webpart. The gotcha here is that SharePoint will not allow you to run server-side code on an ungosted page. So if you create a page through Frontpage and embed the <asp:ScriptManager/> tags on it then it won't work. See this post for a work-around in this scenario (

Besides embedding the <asp:ScriptManager/> tags you can also programatically add the controls to your page via the CreateChildControls() override. See an example here (!D3543C5837291E93!311.entry).




I'm planning to use MS ASP.Net 2.0 Ajax framework with SharePoint.

What did you mean by including APS.NET Ajax settings, could you post a sample? Same for Microsoft.Web.UI control.

Thank you!


Hi Lilia,

There are certain settings that need to be placed in your web.config file. My example is probably out of data because I haven't downloaded the final ASP.Net AJAX bits yet (still using beta). However, visit this blog!D3543C5837291E93!934.entry and you should find all the information you need to get going.




I downloaded SharePointAJAX.wsp and RTM deploy.cmd into C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\bin on the web server and ran the script, which created SharePoint.Ajax.dll and .pdb files as well as altered web.config to include System.Web.Extensions. I added SharePoint.Ajax.dll to the VS05 project references but found that SharePoint.Ajax.DataLoader, .XmlTransform, and .XmlComponent methods don't show. Would these methods be used in the javascript web service?

I'm no very clear on what is needed to create Ajax-enabled controls for SharePoint. Would I have a web part (implemented in VS05) with a grid control for example and this .cs class would call a web service implemented with javascript (Ajax capability)?

Your help is very much appreciated.


Integration with Authentication

I don't remember seeing this in the documentation, and it is rather early in the curve, but going forward, I think it would be good to hear some suggestions with how to properly integration with various Authentication schemes, such as Forms and Windows Authentication. Also, if there is something that I have missed, please point it out. Smile [:)]

Hi Wally,
there is a login method that you can use for Forms authentication:
var x = new Web.Services.AuthenticationService();
x.login("username", "password", _callback);

integration with services

Is there any documentation or examples online for creating atlas
applications that use the services?


Wallace B. McClure
"The Harder I Work, the Luckier I Get."
Listen to "The ASP.NET Podcast" at
Database Award:
Microsoft MVP - Visual Developer ASP/ASP.NET
"AJAX for ASP.NET" Coming Soon!
118 Durwood Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37922

Have you looked at theservices quickstarts? They have examples on doing this.


I have not seen any examples on integrating with things like membership,
authentication, and authorization. Do you have a URL?


wrote in message news:1196178@.
> Have you looked at the services quickstarts? They have examples on doing
> this.
> David
I have not seen any examples on integrating with things like membership,
authentication, and authorization. Do you have a URL?


wrote in message news:1196178@.
> Have you looked at the services quickstarts? They have examples on doing
> this.
> David
Sorry, I misunderstood your reference to " services" as meaning calling asmx web services from script. Let me check whether there is a sample relating to auth and membership.

The current integration with Membership and Forms authentication is limited to two methods on Web.Services.AuthenticationSerivce:



The first method accepts a username, password and clientside event hookups for completion, errors and timeouts. Back on the server it validates the credentials with thedefault Membership provider. Assuming the call to ValidateUser succeeds, the "login" method returns a forms authentication cookie by calling FormsAuthentication.SetCookie(). When the call to ValidateUser succeeds, the result from "login" is true - failed credentials result in a "false" return value and no cookie.

The code for this looks something like:

function OnSubmitLogin() {
//Use the built in Atlas authentication service to make a call to the server.
//This call will verify credentials, and if the credentials are good, the server will
//issue a forms authentication cookie.
Web.Services.AuthenticationService.login(username.value, password.value, OnLoginComplete);
return false;

//The asynchronous completion event where you process the result of calling the server
function OnLoginComplete(result) {
password.value = '';

//On success there will be a forms authentication cookie in the browser.
if (result) {
username.value = ''; = "visible"; = "hidden";

buttonLoginLogout.innerText = "Click me to logout!";
buttonLoginLogout.onclick = OnSubmitLogout;
else { = "hidden"; = "visible";

The "validateUser" works similarly to "login", but no forms auth cookie is set.

Awesome info. I had been scanning through the Atlas.js file and I was
trying to understand the difference between login and validateUser. That
info really helps.


wrote in message news:1197028@.
> The current integration with Membership and Forms authentication is
> limited to two methods on Web.Services.AuthenticationSerivce:
> login
> validateUser
> The first method accepts a username, password and clientside event hookups
> for completion, errors and timeouts. Back on the server it validates the
> credentials with the default Membership provider. Assuming the call to
> ValidateUser succeeds, the "login" method returns a forms authentication
> cookie by calling FormsAuthentication.SetCookie(). When the call to
> ValidateUser succeeds, the result from "login" is true - failed
> credentials result in a "false" return value and no cookie.
> The code for this looks something like:
> function OnSubmitLogin() {
> //Use the built in Atlas authentication service to make a call to the
> server.
> //This call will verify credentials, and if the credentials are good,
> the server will
> //issue a forms authentication cookie.
> Web.Services.AuthenticationService.login(username.value,
> password.value, OnLoginComplete);
> return false;
> }
> //The asynchronous completion event where you process the result of
> calling the server
> function OnLoginComplete(result) {
> password.value = '';
> //On success there will be a forms authentication cookie in the
> browser.
> if (result) {
> username.value = '';
> = "visible";
> = "hidden";
> buttonLoginLogout.innerText = "Click me to logout!";
> buttonLoginLogout.onclick = OnSubmitLogout;
> }
> else {
> = "hidden";
> = "visible";
> }
> }
> The "validateUser" works similarly to "login", but no forms auth cookie is
> set.
No problem. I had hoped that there was something I was missing in the
quickstarts. :-)


wrote in message news:1196977@.
> Sorry, I misunderstood your reference to " services" as meaning
> calling asmx web services from script. Let me check whether there
> is a sample relating to auth and membership.

Integration with ViewState

Sometimes, I store information in the viewstate statebag. Since this information goes back to the server on a roundtrip, I have access to the information. If I want to send that same information back to the server, how should I handle the situation where the information is stored in the statebag? Should I go back and use hidden fields that javascript can get at? is there some type of way to reach into the statebag from the client-side javascript? I realize that the statebag is not considered to be secure so would it be possible to include some type of javascript decoder in atlas to get at values in the statebag?
WallyHi Wally,
I didn't see any viewstate support at the moment, and I think Microsoft is thinking of AJAX methods as I. If you try the Atlas web controls you will see that there is no Click event for the server.

I don't think we'll be creating solutions to change view state from the client. Often times this is not possible - view state may be encrypted. More often though, its simply not efficient to try and parse that content using script.

However, server controls that preserve the server-based programming model, while providing richer experience will use view state creatively, to provide the right behavior if an ajax-style page does need to postback for some reason.