Saturday, March 24, 2012

Is 242 KB atlas download too huge .... huge... for you?

Atlas make life easier at the same time make user experiences harder with huge atlas script.

1. There are several ways to reduce the size by setting EnableScriptComponents=false. It still come down to 56kb.

When EnableScriptComponents=false, the webservices bridge will not run, any body know which component need to be included to make it run?

2. Anything that can make the javascripts become 20kb?


i ran into this issue a couple of weeks ago and was somewhat concerned that pages I was creating for a site may start to run to 500k or something. which was worrying to say the least. after a good deal of searching (as it still early days i suppose) i discovered that:
1/ if you are using visual studio / visual web devloper or whatever, and you have debug=true in you web config, this will prevent the atlas javascripts from getting cached on the client browser. when set to false (ie release) the scripts will be cached on the first time any page utilising the atlas framework is called. All subsepquent page loads etc will then be quicker.
2/ add this to your web config under the httpModules nodes
<add name="WebResourceCompression" type="Microsoft.Web.Services.WebResourceCompressionModule"/>
the download size for all pages running atlas controls etc will be significantly reduced and no settings are disabled.

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